🎂 BirthdayCoin 🎂 is a encrypted digital commemorative coin based on blockchain technology. It is a perfect birthday gift when you have no idea what to send or cannot afford expensive gifts...🤭
Price: 10,000 BirthdayCoins equal to 1 eth (at least purchasing 100 coins/0.01 eth)
Issuing amount: 1,000,000,000
Not sell to public for now, if you want to purchase please contact us.
Note: Birthday coins are not sold to Mainland Chinese citizens!
We recommend you to use imToken or Metamask or other wallets that support ERC20 standard.
PS: BirthdayCoin will be send to your account after the system confirms receipt of money.
Q: Which digital wallet supporting BirthdayCoin?
A: All ERC20-support can be used, e.g. imToken.
Q: Why can’t I find BirthdayCoin in my wallet?
A: Your wallet may not add BirthdayCoin, please add the account address.
Q: Why can’t I send BirthdayCoin to someone else?
A: Sending BirthdayCoin costs a bit of eth as GAS fee, you can’t send BirthdayCoin if you don’t have eth.
BirthdayCoin also have a wide range of applications in the fields of gifts, birthday services, and games, not only being a birthday gift.
Welcome to blockchain developers, cake shops, birthday gifts and other companies use BirthdayCoin! We will provide you with various good ideas for free, and link your brands and advertisements on our website.